Young And The Restless Scoop Friday, March 25: Victoria Confides In Billy About Ashland – Adam And Sally Plot – Rey Tells Chelsea She’s Fun And Unpredictable

Young And The Restless Scoop: Victoria Newman Tells Billy Abbott About Ashland Locke's Lie

Young And The Restless Scoop: Victoria Newman Tells Billy Abbott About Ashland Locke's Lie

The Young And The Restless (Y&R) scoop for Friday, March 25 suggests Victoria Newman (Amelia Heinle) will tell Billy Abbott (Jason Thompson) about her husband’s big lie.

Also coming up, Adam Newman (Mark Grossman) and Sally Spectra (Courtney Hope) plot to take advantage and the Newman family worries about Victoria. Plus, Chelsea Newman (Melissa Claire Egan) will chat with Rey Rosales (Jordi Vilasuso).

Y&R spoilers tease Chelsea will run into Rey at the Grand Phoenix. He’ll say he’s there to pick up a gift certificate for Faith. Chelsea will tell him he’s a great stepdad. Then she’ll open up to him about Connor. Rey will say he spent enough time with her and Connor to know her son trusts her. “He’s a lucky kid.” Chelsea will thank him for the pep talk and Rey will say he enjoys talking to her. “You’re fun and unpredictable.”

Y&R Daily Scoop – Sally Exactly What Adam Always Needed

At Society, Adam and Sally will spot Ashland Locke (Robert Newman) sitting by himself. Adam will approach and make him an offer. “If you walk away from Victoria and from Newman Locke, then Newman Media will not make it it’s mission to publish article after article about your cancer fraud.” Ashland will tell him he knows how to handle bad press. Adam will ask how the story coming out will affect his son. “I don’t respond well to threats,” Ashland will reply.  Then he’ll tell Adam to never speak to him about his son ever again.

Young And The Restless Scoop: Adam Newman Tells Sally Spectra She's Everything He's Always Needed

Adam will join Sally at a table and he’ll tell her Ashland was lying about having cancer. She’ll be stunned but not all that surprised. Talk will turn to Victoria. Adam will say he hopes that when the dust settles, Victor Newman (Eric Braeden) will see that “his precious daughter put everything he created at risk.” Sally will point out they can hold everything together while Newman’s leader is falling apart. “You are exactly what I’ve always needed,” Adam will tell her.

Meanwhile, Victor, Nick Newman (Joshua Morrow) and Nikki Newman (Melody Thomas Scott) will worry what Ashland’s going to do next. Nikki even worries that Victoria could go back to her husband. They need to figure out their next step. Victor will say they should give her some space. He has his people keeping an eye on her.

Young And The Restless Scoop – Billy Finds Out The Cancer Was A Lie

Finally, a teary-eyed Victoria will nurse a coffee at Crimson Lights. She’ll look up to see Billy standing in front of her. “What’s going on Vic?” he’ll ask her as he sits down. “Did Ashland take a turn for the worse?” Then Victoria will scowl and ask why he’d care. After all, he did everything he could to try to keep she and Ashland from getting married. “You warned me over and over again that I couldn’t trust him,” she’ll say. “Well congratulations Billy, you were right about him all along.”

A stunned Billy will ask what Ashland did. “It was all a lie,” she’ll say. “The cancer. All the times I was so terrified he was going to die from the disease. I’m so shattered.” When he gets over the initial shock, Billy will tell her it’s just confirmation of who he knew Ashland was all along. But he’ll wonder what Ashland wanted. “Unless his plan was for something to happen to me when he was in a position to take over the company,” Victoria will respond.

As she’s about to leave, Ashland will walk in. “Victoria, I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” he’ll say. It looks like a great episode is coming up! Keep reading The Soap Scoop for Young And The Restless spoilers and news. And make sure you join our free Facebook Group or leave us a reply in our comments section. But if you miss an episode, don’t fret. You can watch The Young And The Restless online at

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